Friday 12 September 2014

My Motivation

After seeing the world for 48 summers and spending umpteen hours on the keyboard to give words to your wisdom, it gets progressively difficult to suppress the author in you. 

Even if others don't take you seriously, you do not want to miss out on the residual chances of pampering yourself.

So here is my attempt to publish my thoughts in the wide world of the weblog. 

Hope my maiden journey doesn't remain solitary for long.


  1. Wonderful! Will be great to read your thoughts ... Happy Blogging!

  2. The Author in you always inspires & motivates lot more people like me to be perfect & passionate in what we do.... So this Blog will inspire many more....
    Keep writing Sir.....

  3. I dare not comment on my Editor especially when he holds the capacity of creating writers. A walking Theasaurus as I always consider u as, how can ur maiden journey remain solitary? This is just the trailer show us the actual film.


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